For all fan of Jean Michel Jarre, my friends, subscribers and visitors. I wish you God's Blessing and a Happy New Year 2014!
Happy New Year 2014!
Globe Trotter from album Jean Michel Jarre "Images 1991"
Transmedia created by a_BAHN & CAMERA TALK & directed by Beryl Koltz
In co-production with CAMERA TALK (Paris)
Jean-Michel Jarre's released ZOOLOOK in 1984. A break-through album
based on his own samples of human voices from threaten tribes. ZOOLOOK
2014 get back on the experience, focusing on new languages created in
megacities, following 4 main artists and creating a unique filming,
musical interactive no-frontier experience.
Status : In development
Released : November 2014
Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook 1984
Jean Michel Jarre live concert in Sochi 20/12/2013
The opening of the socio-cultural center by the legendary Jean-Michel Jarre. Concert "Opening" Galaxy"
Full Concert,
Jean Michel Jarre,
Жан Мишель Жарр - Открытие «Галактики»
Жан-Мишель Жарр был и остается значимой фигурой в мире электронной
музыки. Многие наверняка помнят его лазерное шоу на Воробьевых горах в
1997 году, посвященное 850-летию Москвы. Тогда был поставлен абсолютный и
недосягаемый рекорд, занесенный в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса, — на шоу
присутствовало 3,5 миллиона зрителей.
В преддверии Нового года в олимпийской столице Сочи Жан-Мишель Жарр откроет новую «Галактику»! Не пропустите телевизионную версию концерта — только на НТВ!
Commercial for the broadcast of the concert from Galactica Olympic, Russia - 20 December 2013 for the opening of the Galactica Olympic shown online -
В преддверии Нового года в олимпийской столице Сочи Жан-Мишель Жарр откроет новую «Галактику»! Не пропустите телевизионную версию концерта — только на НТВ!
Commercial for the broadcast of the concert from Galactica Olympic, Russia - 20 December 2013 for the opening of the Galactica Olympic shown online -
on 27 December 2013 - 11.10 p.m.
The opening of the socio-cultural center by the legendary Jean-Michel Jarre. Concert "Opening" Galaxy"
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«Газпром» открыл в олимпийском Сочи новую «Галактику» |
Это суперсовременный комплекс,
где есть практически все для работы и отдыха: конгресс-холл,
3D-кинотеатры, магазины, рестораны, аквапарк и ледовая арена, которую
можно использовать и как концертный зал.
Масштабы объекта и спектр предлагаемых развлечений — космические, под
стать названию. Площадь комплекса — около 50 тысяч квадратных метров,
общая вместимость — до 4 000 человек, количество посадочных мест
в конгресс-холле — более 1000.
Олег Цветков,
руководитель центра «Галактика»: «Аналогов подобного комплекса нет ни
в России, ни за рубежом. Как правило, все скомплектовано по-другому: за
основу берется торговый центр, и уже в нем формируются развлекательные
площадки. В „Галактике“ все наоборот: развлекательные направления —
приоритет, торговая зона — лишь приложение к ним».
Алексей Миллер,
председатель правления ОАО «Газпром»: «Это центр, который функционально
очень насыщен. Здесь есть и лед, здесь есть и боулинг, здесь есть
и детский аквапарк, здесь есть и интерактивные панели для обучения
детей, познавательные интерактивные панели. И, конечно же, задача
центра — чтобы гости Олимпиады, гости горно-туристического курорта имели
возможность вечером полноценно отдохнуть».
«Галактика» стала финальным аккордом олимпийской программы «Газпрома»,
в рамках которой были построены несколько крупных объектов: газопровод,
горная туристическая деревня и лыжно-биатлонный комплекс.
открытии общественно-культурного центра выступил легендарный Жан-Мишель
Жарр. Концерт «Открытие „Галактики“» НТВ и НТВ.Ru покажут в пятницу,
27 декабря, в 23:10.
The opening of the socio-cultural center by the legendary Jean-Michel Jarre. Concert "Opening" Galaxy "," NTV and NTV.Ru show on Friday, December 27, at 23:10.
Merry Christmas!
Hello my friends, subscribers and visitors my Blog
Christmas wish is the ideal way to pray for love and peace for all. Wishes can be given to anyone, whether you know a person or not. It is the way to share your feelings and happiness with all those whom you come across on this sacred occasion. You never know; you might make a lonely person smile because of your Christmas wish. The idea of Christmas wishes can go a long way in maintaining relationships and creating a bond that can only become stronger with time. Christmas wishes come in many different forms but have one single essence - To spread peace and happiness on this sacred occasion.
Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful.
May Christmas spread cheer in your lives! May all your days be merry and bright and may your Christmas be white! Merry Christmas!
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.
► Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
► Feliz Navidad y Feliz Ano Nuevo!
► Joyeux Noël et nouvelle année heureuse!
► Glad jul och lyckligt nytt ar !
► Frohe Weihnachten und glückliches Neues Jahr!
► Spokojnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I Hope that you will feel free to share these video with family and friends the world over.
ZAZ...Rewarded through Jean Michel Jarre at the ceremony SACEM Grand Prix 2013.
French Music Worldwide Award: ZAZ...Rewarded through Jean Michel Jarre at the ceremony SACEM Grand Prix 2013.
25 November 2013 at the Olympia in Paris.
Jean Michel Jarre & Gary Numan ( December 2013)
Gary Numan has left a wonderful message on his time spent yesterday with Jean Michel Jarre
Jean Michel Jarre to be featured in a swedish documentary about Music in China
The Swedish Film Database
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Jean Michel Jarre is featured in an upcoming documentary by Johan Jonason about making music in China today.
Johan Jonason leaves Sweden and a Europe in crisis, and heads to Shanghai. His goal is to establish himself as a pop singer in China because that's where the future seems to be.
In Shanghai, Johan meets various people involved in the Chinese music industry - producers, DJs and promoters who give him insights into the new, young and contradictory China.
Conquering China is an emotional and humorous music documentary that examines and problematizes the
paradigm shift taking place in our world right now.
"I wanted to make a personal and exotic documentary about China, exploring the western view of the country as well as the real China itself."
Original title: Conquering China
Director/Screenwriter: Johan Jonason
Participants: Johan Jonason, Jean Michel Jarre, Dave K, Ben Huang, Elvis T, Robert Wells, DJ Ghost
Producer: Anna Byvald
Produced by Silverosa Film in co-production with Film i Väst and SVT, with support from the Swedish Film Institute/Cecilia Lidin
Duration: 80 min
To be released Spring: 2014
Jean Michel Jarre and Vince Clarke‘s home studio in Brooklyn, New York (2013)
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Vince Clarke & Jean Michel Jarre - The Cabin Studio, Brooklyn (2013) |
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Vince Clarke & Jean Michel Jarre - The Cabin Studio, Brooklyn (2013) |
Check out our exclusive interview with synth legend Vince Clarke at his studio in New-York, talking about MiniBrute, his relation to synths and his up-coming projects.(May 6, 2013)
Jean Michel Jarre tchnął w świat muzyki ożywczy powiew (Vinylowe delicje)
Zbigniew Burda (Fot. Michał Niedbał / Agencja Gazeta)
Ten kompozytor i instrumentalista bedzie bohaterem grudniowych " Vinylowych Delicji " organizowanych przez Zbigniewa Burde . W czwartek 12 Grudnia o godz . 18 w Ośrodku Promocji Kultury " Gaude Mater " ( ul. Dąbrowskiego 1 ) Album zostanie przedstawiony Jégo Pierwszego " Oxygene " . Wstęp Wolny .
Płyta została wydana z 1976 r. we Francji przez firmę fonograficzną Dreyfus. Nagrania Jarre'a, firmowane przez tę wytwórnię, są dopracowane w każdym szczególe. Podczas spotkania wraz z prezentacją płyty winylowej, odtworzone zostaną fragmenty z krążków CD wydanych w 1977 r. "Oxygene" ukazało się także w 2007 r., na 30. rocznicę powstania albumu. Ta ostatnia płyta, remasterowana w amerykańskim studiu firmy Capitol, też pojawi się na grudniowym spotkaniu. Będzie więc możliwość porównania jakości dźwięku i brzmienia z płyty winylowej oraz z nośnika CD.
Jean Michel Jarre jest pionierem jednego z najprężniej rozwijającego się dziś gatunku muzyki elektronicznej. Jego debiut zaskoczył świat nie tylko awangardowymi brzmieniami, ale również sugestywną okładką z obrazem czaszki wyłaniającej się spod wierzchniej warstwy planety Ziemi, tak niszczonej przez zachłanność człowieka.
Jean Michel Jarre jest pionierem jednego z najprężniej rozwijającego się dziś gatunku muzyki elektronicznej. Jego debiut zaskoczył świat nie tylko awangardowymi brzmieniami, ale również sugestywną okładką z obrazem czaszki wyłaniającej się spod wierzchniej warstwy planety Ziemi, tak niszczonej przez zachłanność człowieka.
- Uważny słuchacz zostanie nie tylko zachwycony znakomitą stereofonią i jej efektami, ale usłyszy również krzyk ptaków, uderzenia fal o brzeg morza, wiejący wiatr, nawet odgłosy Kosmosu. Wszystkie te dźwięki Jarre wygenerował na swoich syntezatorach - mówi Burda. - Płyta "Oxygene" tchnęła w świat muzyki ożywczy powiew. Materiał porwał tłumy słuchaczy, a dziś uważany jest za kamień milowy w historii muzyki współczesnej.
Obok pierwszej płyty Jarre'a podczas spotkania zostaną zaprezentowane też inne jego kompozycje z płyt wydanych już w latach następnych. Zostaną odtworzone fragmenty z albumów "Oxygene-New Master Recordind" (2007 r.), "Houston-Lyon en Contert" (1986 r.), "Randez-Vous" (1986 r.), "Zoolook" 1984 r, "Conterrts in China" (1981 r.) oraz "Equinoxe" (1978 r.).
- Tych nagrań będziemy słuchać oczywiście ze znakomitego gramofonu firmy Dr. Feickert Analogue oraz z lampowego przedwzmacniacza lampowego firmy Pro-Ject - dodaje organizator. - Sprzęt zostanie zaprezentowany przez Joannę i Grzegorza Wójtowiczów. Grzegorz Wójtowicz zdradzi nam tajniki techniczne gramofonu, jak również przedwzmacniacza. Oboje od lat z pasją prowadzą swoją firmę, która ma w ofercie ponad 2000 płyt winylowych różnych wykonawców i są w tej dziedzinie autorytetami.
Obok pierwszej płyty Jarre'a podczas spotkania zostaną zaprezentowane też inne jego kompozycje z płyt wydanych już w latach następnych. Zostaną odtworzone fragmenty z albumów "Oxygene-New Master Recordind" (2007 r.), "Houston-Lyon en Contert" (1986 r.), "Randez-Vous" (1986 r.), "Zoolook" 1984 r, "Conterrts in China" (1981 r.) oraz "Equinoxe" (1978 r.).
- Tych nagrań będziemy słuchać oczywiście ze znakomitego gramofonu firmy Dr. Feickert Analogue oraz z lampowego przedwzmacniacza lampowego firmy Pro-Ject - dodaje organizator. - Sprzęt zostanie zaprezentowany przez Joannę i Grzegorza Wójtowiczów. Grzegorz Wójtowicz zdradzi nam tajniki techniczne gramofonu, jak również przedwzmacniacza. Oboje od lat z pasją prowadzą swoją firmę, która ma w ofercie ponad 2000 płyt winylowych różnych wykonawców i są w tej dziedzinie autorytetami.
Jean Michel Jarre - Europe 2 Acoustic Concert 01.04.1994
Unplugged sur Europe 2
Date : 1er avril 1994
Lieu : Studios d'Europe 2, Paris, FRANCE
Pour un 1er avril, ce concert ne pouvait prendre qu'une forme de poisson. Pourtant, Europe 2 avait laissé planer le doute en annonçant avec fracas l'imminence d'un concert acoustique de Jean Michel Jarre.
C'est donc à la date fatidique que les auditeurs ont pu entendre Jarre donner son concert acoustique. Après une longue introduction pendant laquelle un micro-trottoir laissait transparaître le scepticisme des auditeurs potentiels à l'annonce de ce concert, Jean-Michel a fini par expliquer qu'il allait jouer trois de ses morceaux avec un orgue de barbarie, ancêtre du séquenceur. Trois versions superbement arrangées qui permettent d'affirmer que Jarre même sans synthé peut faire de la musique merveilleuse.
Le « concert » fut donné dans une ambiance de franche rigolade car il était possible de péter les plombs sans arrêter la musique. Il fut suivi de la diffusion d'une série de morceaux en version électronique « traditionnelle », ce qui n'était pas arrivé depuis longtemps à la radio...
Morceaux joués :
L'orchestre sous la pluie
Equinoxe 3 (version heavy metal)
La dernière rumba
Liste des instruments utilisés :
Orgue de barbarie
Poisson d'avril !
Pendant les derniers jours du mois de mars 1994, une bande annonce est diffusée sur l'antenne de Europe 2. Il est question d'une surprise autour de JM Jarre. Un sondage est organisé pour demander aux gens ce qu'ils pensent d'un éventuel concert acoustique du « maître de l'électricité ». Evidemment personne ne soupçonne la capacité de remise en question de Jarre qui a accepté de jouer trois musiques à l'orgue de Barbarie pour un mini concert « débranché » (voire « déjanté ») présenté par Laurent Boyer. Jarre reprend une idée qu'il avait inaugurée à Bruxelles le 24 août 1993. Ce soir là il avait interprété « Equinoxe VIII » à l'aide d'un limonaire. Le 1er avril 1994, sans poisson d'avril Jarre se prête à nouveau à cet exercice en ajoutant à Equinoxe VIII deux nouvelles reprises : Equinoxe III et Chants Magnétiques V.
Le 1er avril, il offre un poisson original aux auditeurs de la station radio Europe 2, en jouant un mini-concert acoustique (à l'orgue de barbarie !) de trois morceaux : L'orchestre sous la pluie alias Equinoxe 8 déjà entendu sous cette forme pendant sa tournée européenne, un surprenant Equinoxe 3 ironiquement sous-titré "version heavy metal", et le plus classique La dernière rumba issu de l'album Les chants magnétiques. On regrette qu'il n'existe pas de trace discographique de l'évènement et qu'il n'ait jamais été renouvelé.
Date : 1er avril 1994
Lieu : Studios d'Europe 2, Paris, FRANCE
Pour un 1er avril, ce concert ne pouvait prendre qu'une forme de poisson. Pourtant, Europe 2 avait laissé planer le doute en annonçant avec fracas l'imminence d'un concert acoustique de Jean Michel Jarre.
C'est donc à la date fatidique que les auditeurs ont pu entendre Jarre donner son concert acoustique. Après une longue introduction pendant laquelle un micro-trottoir laissait transparaître le scepticisme des auditeurs potentiels à l'annonce de ce concert, Jean-Michel a fini par expliquer qu'il allait jouer trois de ses morceaux avec un orgue de barbarie, ancêtre du séquenceur. Trois versions superbement arrangées qui permettent d'affirmer que Jarre même sans synthé peut faire de la musique merveilleuse.
Le « concert » fut donné dans une ambiance de franche rigolade car il était possible de péter les plombs sans arrêter la musique. Il fut suivi de la diffusion d'une série de morceaux en version électronique « traditionnelle », ce qui n'était pas arrivé depuis longtemps à la radio...
Morceaux joués :
L'orchestre sous la pluie
Equinoxe 3 (version heavy metal)
La dernière rumba
Liste des instruments utilisés :
Orgue de barbarie
Poisson d'avril !
Pendant les derniers jours du mois de mars 1994, une bande annonce est diffusée sur l'antenne de Europe 2. Il est question d'une surprise autour de JM Jarre. Un sondage est organisé pour demander aux gens ce qu'ils pensent d'un éventuel concert acoustique du « maître de l'électricité ». Evidemment personne ne soupçonne la capacité de remise en question de Jarre qui a accepté de jouer trois musiques à l'orgue de Barbarie pour un mini concert « débranché » (voire « déjanté ») présenté par Laurent Boyer. Jarre reprend une idée qu'il avait inaugurée à Bruxelles le 24 août 1993. Ce soir là il avait interprété « Equinoxe VIII » à l'aide d'un limonaire. Le 1er avril 1994, sans poisson d'avril Jarre se prête à nouveau à cet exercice en ajoutant à Equinoxe VIII deux nouvelles reprises : Equinoxe III et Chants Magnétiques V.
Le 1er avril, il offre un poisson original aux auditeurs de la station radio Europe 2, en jouant un mini-concert acoustique (à l'orgue de barbarie !) de trois morceaux : L'orchestre sous la pluie alias Equinoxe 8 déjà entendu sous cette forme pendant sa tournée européenne, un surprenant Equinoxe 3 ironiquement sous-titré "version heavy metal", et le plus classique La dernière rumba issu de l'album Les chants magnétiques. On regrette qu'il n'existe pas de trace discographique de l'évènement et qu'il n'ait jamais été renouvelé.
D&AD Silver Award - 1983 (Jean-Michel Jarre 'China Promotion')
D&AD's design awards have enthralled the industry for over half a century. In the third in our series of articles, R/GA's George Prest looks back at some of the winners from the '80s.
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George Prest |
Design and Art Direction (D&AD) was founded in 1962 by a group of London-based designers and art directors including David Bailey, Terence Donovan, Alan Fletcher and Colin Forbes (who designed the original D&AD logo). The group was dedicated to celebrating creative communication, rewarding its practitioners, and raising standards across the industry.
Today D&AD has evolved into a major global organisation that exists to promote excellence in design and advertising everywhere through educational programmes and rewarding great work through its annual Yellow Pencil awards. Here D&AD's George Prest (above) recalls some of the most memorable winners in the 1980s...
Maggie, the Falklands war, Afghanistan, Rent-a-Ghost, my mum getting a Mini Metro, Lockerbie, Airwolf, the massive storm, the bombing of Libya, Northern Ireland, Chernobyl, playing Revs on a BBC Micro, Acid House music, drainpipe jeans, Reebok Silver Shadows, skateboarding, Chariots of Fire and Ronald Reagan.
This is some of what I remember of the 1980s, in no particular order and unsure of the significance of any of it. To look at the D&AD winning work from that decade is a kaleidoscopic experience as well. There’s humour and attitude, tradition and change and the conventional and the downright bizarre. I think that the industry looks back at this time as a golden age. Let’s examine the evidence to see if this is a rose-tinted approach.
05. Jean-Michel Jarre 'China Promotion'
the 1980s were an outstanding decade, classic, peerless and the true
foundation of advertising as we know it today? Well, yes but check out
this promo for Jean Michel Jarre’s China tour. In contrast to everything
above it seems dated and rooted in its time. So '80s, a bit off-beam
and culturally naïve, like JMJ himself. This would probably go down well
in Dalston today, I think, until the next fad came along.
- Year: 1983
- Award: D&AD Silver Award for the most outstanding Record Promotion
- Client: Francis Dreyfus Music
- Art Director: Kate Hepburn
- Copywriter: Jean-Michel Jarre
- Photographer: Mark Fisher
- Illustrator: Kate Hepburn
- Typographer: Kate Hepburn
- Advertising Manager: Mark Fisher
Source: creativebloq
Michel Granger (Paris) - 2007 Interview
French artist Michel Granger is probably best known as the creator of five of Jarre's most fascinating album covers, namely Oxygene, Equinoxe, Rendez Vous, Chronologie and Oxygene 7-13. In December 2007, Magnetic Field editors Signe Zacchi and Henrik Gilvad visited him in his studio and talked to him about his collaborations with Jarre and his other projects.
Magnetic Fields: What are your main sources of inspiration?
Michel Granger:
I have several, but the Earth has always been one of my main sources of inspiration - I have worked a lot with this theme. Apart from that, I have always found great inspiration when travelling, reading and watching everyday life in the streets - the simple life of normal people. I started using the Earth as a main theme a long time ago. The first drawings were published in the press in 1970.
Painting the Earth actually provided a global aspect to my art. It did not only refer to France, but everyone could relate to this global theme - even Martians. The idea was to show that what occupies us is a global matter and it turned out to be true. A couple of years ago we were told that if something happens with the South Pole, this would influence us all. Even though I am not a scientist it seemed obvious to me that if you have a splinter in your foot, you cannot walk, even if you are a giant.
I believe that whatever happens in, say, South America or Asia also has an impact on us - in an abstract sense, of course. I have worked with the theme of the Earth using the social, humanitarian and the political aspects, which also enabled me to voice my opinion a bit. Primarily, I like to show the life of the ordinary human being in our culture. I use my work to describe the issues and problems we deal with in our part of the world, which are different from those in Asia or Africa and that I am unable to cover through my art.
MF: What is the story about the painting "Oxygene"?
MG: The painting originally was a small aquarelle and was shown at one of my first exhibitions in Paris, at a gallery in 1976 - the same year as the release of Jarre's music. The actual painting is from 1973. Charlotte Rampling bought it and gave it to Jarre, who thought it would be ideal as a cover for his album. He came to visit me and that was the start of it all.
MF: The Oxygene cover is a statement about the environment and how people treat it in a terrible Manner. What options does an artist have to influence the environmental debate?
MG: In my latest book I wrote: We Should not kill the Earth, because we would not know where to bury it. I believe that an artist can do everything and nothing to influence the debate. Nothing because we - the artists - are impotent, we have no power. Everything because these last couple of years I have realized, when meeting people who worked with ecology - like Cousteau and Yann Arthus-Bertrand - that an artist can express himself in a way That the scientist can not. These people are spokesmen and have a special language That is not necessarily easy to understand, but an artist can express himself in a simpler Manner on the basis of what we learn from the scientists. An artist uses images to express his views, Whereas a scientist works with numbers and calculation. This is where our role is important - through pictures, music, movies, songs, words and literature.
FM: What means do you think it takes to Encourage normal people and politicians to take part in the debate?
MG: Information! People, meaning us, are not stupid, but we need the scientists to inform us of the state of the Earth. They can tell us the North Pole is melting, but how do I actually know - I have not been there.
MF: How did you work with Jean Michel Jarre on the covers of his albums? Did he choose them from already existing paintings or did he order them?
MG: The first one he chose from an existing painting. The second album cover, Equinoxe, had different titles as Venus and dry Transitor - Jean Michel had a long list of titles and he always come up with new titles - I was a bit lost, though.
Actually, Equinoxe was an already existing painting. We had gone through a whole series of paintings without finding the right one. One day I went to his house and projected it on the wall and Jarre said: this is the one and he was the one who came up with the final title as well. The third one was Rendez Vous which was actually made in two versions. The first one is my version, but Jarre asked me to do a second one, a red version, because the American publisher wanted a different version. I went along with it, but today I think I should not have - I prefer the first version. I reworked it together with the publisher and Jarre approved it. He knows what he wants with his work and is always very clear about it. If he disagrees it is no use arguing with him. Every time I have worked with him, we have spent hours on the phone, back and forth to his home. He calls at night sometimes when we are in the middle of a process.
I have a small anecdote about Rendez Vous that I might have dreamed of, but I do not think so. He called me late at night, around 2 am or 3 am, and left a message saying: there is too much yellow in the drawing you made. I thought about it and realized there was no yellow in the drawing. I thought to myself That he might have some yellow in his music That he could not remove. I did not call him back, since I did not see any yellow in the drawing and we never spoke about it again. I think he was feeling an artistic anguish. But it has always been a pleasure to work with him and I have enjoyed it a lot.
MF: If you could chose to do the cover of an album of any artist, which would you choose?
MG: I definitely prefer World Music. There are lots of artist I would like to work with, such as the Pakistini Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Ali Fakar Toure and Soeur Marie Keyrouz, who actually sings religious songs. I do not care that it’s religious, but I have noticed that when I work while listening to it I get more focused in my work. I have been asked by a lot of people who make music in the same style as Jean Michel Jarre to make a cover, but I have always turned down the offers out of respect for Jarre. I would not want my art to cause people to mix-up Jarre's music with other music. I have sometimes made works of art for songs, but always for music that did not resemble that of Jarre. I believe that is a normal thing to do.
MF: What are your current and future projects?
MG: My new book, “Sens Dessus Dessous - Upside Down” has been in the shops for three weeks now. This book is in fact a way to move away from the theme of the Earth. I might start working with it again in three - four years time. Apart from that I have a series of projects involving photos that I have had prepared in large format and then I am making an identical painting that should be placed next to the photo. I have also made a movie that can be viewed
For more information on Michel Granger go to
Jean Michel Jarre,
Michel Granger,
Grands Prix Sacem 2013, Olympia, Paris - 25 November 2013
Each year in November, the SACEM (French Society for music writers, composers and publishers) sets up this big event where music, cinema and television meet.
Concerts, videos, tributes, the ceremony is always different, but always aims to be one of the most prestigious cultural events of the year, where artists, professionals and people meet on stage or on social networks thanks to the live streaming of the ceremony.
French Music Worldwide Award: Zaz...Rewarded through Jean Michel Jarre at the ceremony SACEM Grand Prix 2013, 25 November 2013 at the Olympia in Paris. | © BestImage
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Isabelle Geffroy better known by the nickname Zaz, is a French singer-songwriter mixing jazzy styles, French variety, soul and acoustic. |
Jarre Technologies - Aero Skull HD [Test]
Et oui vous ne rêvez pas il s'agit bien d'une enceinte bluethooth en forme de crâne humain !
La nouvelle version de l'enceinte Aero Skull créée par Jarre Technologies est désormais HD.
La nouvelle version de l'enceinte Aero Skull créée par Jarre Technologies est désormais HD.
Encore plus puissante avec ses 80 Watts,
elle est également compatible NFC.
Xavier Regord du 01Lab donne son avis
sur cet objet insolite.
High definition sound
- iPod / iPhone speaker plays all devices equipped with a lightning connector.
- Unique innovative outstanding design.
- Line in plays CD players or any devices playing music.
- Supports MP3, AAC, WMA, protected AAC, WAV.
- Estimated Launch: October 2013.
- 50Hz to 20kHz +3db
- 1×102mm (4,00in) bass
- 2×57mm (2,25in) satellite
- 80W RMS
- Mid-range 2 x 20W; subwoofer 1 x 40W
- 3.5mm mini jack
- mini usb update
- ABS Chrome plated
- Painted
- 11 colors
- IR remote control with backlight
Jarre Technologies,
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre, auteur-compositeur-interprète et président de la Cisac:
Stéphanie Antoine reçoit Jean Michel Jarre, à l'occasion du Forum
d'Avignon, rencontres internationales du monde de la culture, de
l'économie et des médias. Auteur-compositeur-interprète, il est
également président de la Confédération internationale des sociétés
d'auteurs et compositeurs (Cisac).
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
Jean Michel Jarre - „HTC France 26/05/11"
"Tout Commence par une Idée".
These are short programs sponsored by HTC, broadcast on TF1.
The latter concerns Jean-Michel Jarre, composer of electronic music (broadcast on 26/05/2011)
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
Jean Michel Jarre - Création et économie (INA)
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The 6th edition of the International Meetings of November 21 to 23 in Avignon Palais des Papes |
21 to 23 November 2013
Dans le cadre du Forum d'Avignon 2013, le compositeur Jean-MIchel Jarre décrit les nouvelles conditions technologiques dans lequel évoluent les créateurs.
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
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