27 April 2015
In his #WorldIPday message, Jean-Michel Jarre, electronic music composer and CISAC President, calls on the United Nations for a fairer creative eco-system:
On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day,
Jean-Michel Jarre, President of the International Confederation of
Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), issued the following
statement on behalf of the four million creators represented by CISAC
"The article 27(2) of the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights,'
adopted by the United Nations’ General Assembly in 1948, states that,
'Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material
interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production
of which he is the author'," says Jean Michel Jarre.
"These words are as valid now as they were 70 years ago. Culture is
what brings people together and is the expression of the cultural
diversity that is so cherished by the United Nations and UNESCO. Access
to culture is paramount to the elevation of mankind. It goes hand in
hand with freedom of speech and freedom to create.
"Equally important in our eyes are the rights of creators. Without
these moral and economic rights, creators would be deprived of ways to
sustain a living and continue to create freely, and would also lose
control over the use of their works.
"But for this to happen, creators need to be granted fair
remuneration for the use of their creative works. In the music sector,
we have launched the Fair Trade Music project to address this issue. In
the visual arts sector, we are asking for an international Treaty on the
artist’s resale right under the aegis of WIPO.
"Sustainable creative eco-systems depend on the recognition that
creative works bring value to so many businesses that would not exist
without them. In return, what we, creators, are asking is simple: to be
fairly compensated for the use of our works and to be protected for our
rights. We are calling upon all the countries represented at the United
Nations to endorse our pledge, and work with creators all around the
world to ensure a better future for authors."
Source: cisac.org
Jean-Michel Jarre: pierwszy utwór od 8 lat!
'Gdyby nie on, nie byłoby w ogóle muzyki trance' - to częsty komentarz w rozmowach na temat jednego z najważniejszych twórców w historii muzyki elektronicznej. Prawda jest taka, że gdyby nie Francuz, jego wyjątkowa muzyka i występy live, nie byłoby prawdopodobnie wielu innych rzeczy.
Jeden z elektronicznych pionierów już w latach 70. czarował swoimi kompozycjami i występami na żywo, podczas których korzystał z całej gamy różnorodnych syntezatorów. Trudno zliczyć wszystkie jego utwory, które trafiły do kanonu muzyki nie tylko elektronicznej, albumy, które przeszły do historii. Trudno przypomnieć sobie wszystkie live acty, którymi zachwycał się cały świat i które bez wątpienia wpłynęły na to, jak wyglądają dziś spektakularne widowiska audiowizualne.
Dziś dla nas najważniejszy jest fakt, że po pierwsze Jarre po 8 długich latach zaprezentował nowy utwór, a po drugie udowodnił, że wciąż trzyma rękę na pulsie muzyki elektronicznej. Już sam dobór współpracownika o tym dobitnie świadczy - do poniedziałkowego wieczoru była to wielka tajemnica, ale już wiemy, że chodziło o Gesaffelsteina - znakomitego francuskiego producenta, który tworzy aż tak miażdżące beaty electro, że wcześniej do współtworzenia albumu zaprosił go również Kanye West.
Source: ftb.pl
Jean Michel Jarre – SoundCloud
"Jean-Michel Jarre is the Godfather of Electronic Music.
His albums - his classic debut Oxygene among them – have changed the way we hear the world today. Musicians and contemporary DJs refer to his influence and innovation, both in the studio and in terms of the immersive outdoor concert experiences he has engineered…”
Editor-In-Chief, MOJO
His albums - his classic debut Oxygene among them – have changed the way we hear the world today. Musicians and contemporary DJs refer to his influence and innovation, both in the studio and in terms of the immersive outdoor concert experiences he has engineered…”
Editor-In-Chief, MOJO
Conquering China by Johan Jonason
Johan Jonason decides to abandon Europe, a continent in a state of crisis, and travel to Shanghai in pursuit of a career as a pop singer. »Conquering China« is a musical journey featuring musicians as disparate as synth-pioneer Jean Michel Jarre and Robert Wells alongside numerous Chinese producers and DJs such as Elvis. T and Ben Huang. Ultimately Jonason arrives at the film’s tagline: “music is not a language without borders,” examining and problematizing a paradigm shift currently taking place on the world’s music scene.
As Jonason cruises Shanghai by night, from dumpling joints and backstreets to high-end clubs and pulsating dance floors, »Conquering China« comes across as a China-set documentary take on »Lost in Translation«. The film humorously yet attentively intersects western views of China with voices from within its music industry.
Production year: 2014
- Original title: Conquering China
- Cast: Johan Jonason, Jean Michel Jarre, Robert Wells, Elvis T
- Producer: Anna Byvald
- Script: Johan Jonason
- Music: Oscar Fogelström
The featured parts of Jean Michel Jarre in the Swedish documentary "Conquering China"
Source: stockholmfilmfestival.se
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
Jean Michel Jarre élu par les auditeurs ce matin dans le Stop ou encore
Jean-Michel JARRE Oxygene 4 (1977) 03:55
Jean-Michel JARRE Equinoxe 4 (1979) 03:12
Jean-Michel JARRE Rendez-vous 4 (1986) 03:22
Trop peu de votes pour Louane et pas assez non plus pour ABBA : c'est Jean-Michel Jarre qui l'emporte, d'une poignée de voix sur Paolo Conte.
Jean-Michel JARRE Equinoxe 4 (1979) 03:12
Jean-Michel JARRE Rendez-vous 4 (1986) 03:22
Trop peu de votes pour Louane et pas assez non plus pour ABBA : c'est Jean-Michel Jarre qui l'emporte, d'une poignée de voix sur Paolo Conte.
Source: rtl.fr
Jean-Michel Jarre teams with Gesaffelstein for new single ‘Conquistador’
The iconic French composer and producer is back with his first piece of original music in eight years.
Last month Jean-Michel Jarre teased that a new album was on the horizon and today fans get their first taste of it. Jarre has teamed with Gesaffelstein for ‘Conquistador’ a song that will appear on the LP.
The new single for the still untitled album comes with a pair of alternate versions including a remix by Jarre and an extended mix. Listen to all three below via Beatport and look for Jarre’s album later this year.
Source: factmag.com
Last month Jean-Michel Jarre teased that a new album was on the horizon and today fans get their first taste of it. Jarre has teamed with Gesaffelstein for ‘Conquistador’ a song that will appear on the LP.
The new single for the still untitled album comes with a pair of alternate versions including a remix by Jarre and an extended mix. Listen to all three below via Beatport and look for Jarre’s album later this year.
Source: factmag.com
My new channel on YouTube:
I will try to share all of my earlier videos.
Thank you for understanding.
All interested are welcome to my new page:
Best regards!
Gesaffelstein en guest sur un morceau de Jean-Michel Jarre
Alors que Jean-Michel Jarre orchestre discrètement son grand retour, le morceau « Conquistador » est sorti. Surprise : il s’agit d’un duo avec Gesaffelstein !
On savait que Jean-Michel Jarre planifiait son retour, huit ans après sa dernière sortie, une réédition live de son culte Oxygène. On savait également que le père de la musique électronique française aux plus de 80 millions de disques vendus comptait s’entourer de pointures actuelles, grâce notamment à l’annonce mi-mars d’un premier featuring avec M83. Le morceau, « Glory », accompagnait EMIC, un court-métrage inspiré d’Interstellar. Les quelques courageux l’ayant piqué sur SoundCloud ont vite vu leur player disparaître. Niveau informations, c’était de nouveau le silence radio.
M83 sur une BO (un exercice bien connu des frenchies), pourquoi pas. Mais imaginer que le prochain collaborateur de Jean-Michel Jarre s’appellerait Gesaffelstein, ça, non ! C’est pourtant ce qui a été découvert sur Beatport ce lundi 20 avril (le maxi Conquistador composé de la track en duo et de deux remixes signés par JMJ y est en vente pour six euros et des brouettes), sans aucune autre forme de promotion. Quelques heures plus tard, Jean-Michel Jarre publiait cette vidéo explicative :
« Conquistador », en effet jolie synthèse entre l’univers aérien de Jarre et celui, plus lourd et sombre, de Gesaffelstein, n’est pas encore disponible en streaming sur Youtube ou SoundCloud. Mais il peut être écouté ici même.
Creators React to MEP Reda’s Draft Report on Copyright, Calling for a Fairer Digital Market for Authors
14 April 2015
Paris, France – 14 April 2015. Creators from all creative sectors and geographic regions have addressed the shortcomings in MEP Julia Reda's draft report on the adaptation of the Copyright Directive.
The report that was published in January 2015, tackled a number of sensitive issues in copyright reform, several of which directly impact creators.
Read the full letter to MEP Julia Reda.
CISAC creators outlined their views on the Report in a letter addressed to MEP Julia Reda and copied to all Members of the European Parliament, on the eve of its discussion by the Parliament.
The letter was signed by CISAC’s President Jean Michel Jarre and Vice Presidents Angélique Kidjo, Javed Akhtar, Marcelo Piñeyro and Ousmane Sow on behalf of the nearly four million creators that the Confederation represents.
The letter highlights the Report’s failure to address market realities for creators and underlines the need for a more balanced system that would take into account the rights of creators and provide fair remuneration for the use of their works.
On the issue of the copyright term, creators rejected MEP Reda’s call for “a duration that does not exceed the current international standards,” effectively meaning a downward harmonisation to a term shorter than what is already available across Europe.
The letter was sent to MEP Julia Reda and copied to all MEPs who participate in the JURI committee.
That committee is due to commence its discussions on the report today.
Source: cisac.org
Paris, France – 14 April 2015. Creators from all creative sectors and geographic regions have addressed the shortcomings in MEP Julia Reda's draft report on the adaptation of the Copyright Directive.
The report that was published in January 2015, tackled a number of sensitive issues in copyright reform, several of which directly impact creators.
Read the full letter to MEP Julia Reda.
CISAC creators outlined their views on the Report in a letter addressed to MEP Julia Reda and copied to all Members of the European Parliament, on the eve of its discussion by the Parliament.
The letter was signed by CISAC’s President Jean Michel Jarre and Vice Presidents Angélique Kidjo, Javed Akhtar, Marcelo Piñeyro and Ousmane Sow on behalf of the nearly four million creators that the Confederation represents.
The letter highlights the Report’s failure to address market realities for creators and underlines the need for a more balanced system that would take into account the rights of creators and provide fair remuneration for the use of their works.
"We agree that there needs to be a balance achieved between rights holders and the public. But this balance should not be struck at the expense of the increasingly fragile community of creators," wrote the signatories.The letter questions some of the key proposals, in particular the approach to copyright exceptions and limitations solely from the perspective of user benefits, without considering the impact of so-called "free access" on the economic and moral interests of creators.
On the issue of the copyright term, creators rejected MEP Reda’s call for “a duration that does not exceed the current international standards,” effectively meaning a downward harmonisation to a term shorter than what is already available across Europe.
"We would be very interested in seeing the evidence upon which this policy recommendation is based," says the letter.In their conclusion, creators urged Ms. Reda "to do what’s right" by ensuring the future of creators in Europe and supporting "a fairer digital market for creators."
"Now that digital technologies can help facilitate access to, and preserve our works, forever, an extension seems more justified than ever."
The letter was sent to MEP Julia Reda and copied to all MEPs who participate in the JURI committee.
That committee is due to commence its discussions on the report today.
Source: cisac.org
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
Artists Gesaffelstein, Jean-Michel Jarre - CONQUISTADORS
- Artists Gesaffelstein, Jean-Michel Jarre
- Release Date 2015-04-17
- Labels Columbia (Sony)
- Catalog G010003312396O
3 Tracks Total
- Source: pro.beatport.com
Jean Michel Jarre talks about bringing Elka Back
April 14, 2015
We caught up with Jean Michel Jarre to discuss his thoughts on the return of Elka Synthex. Jean-Michel Jarre makes the case for why we need to bring Elka Synthex back, and opens up on his deep passion for his 3 Elka Synthexes.
Take a look..
Source: bringelkaback.com
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
This is what it looks like, on Monday you will know what it sounds like.
Recuerdos de un concierto inolvidable: Jean Michel Jarre (Gran Teatre Liceu 21/04/08 BCN)
Por Antonio Mautor el 25/03/2015
Nunca podría haber imaginado ni en mis
mejores sueños, presenciar lo que presencié aquella noche de abril en
Barcelona. Nada menos que el gran Jean Michel Jarre se presentaba en el Gran Teatre del Liceu para interpretar de manera integra su celebérrimo disco “Oxygene”,
en conmemoración a su 30 aniversario; pero no sólo eso era ya de por sí
una pasada, lo mejor era saber que lo haría con los mismos instrumentos
analógicos que utilizó cuando grabó su obra maestra. La utilización de
sintetizadores Theremin, Moog etc… creó una atmósfera, que aún con el paso de los años recuerdo como si fuera aquella noche.
El concierto comenzó de manera
sorpresiva apareciendo el artista entre la gente por el patio de
butacas, desde donde se dirigió al respetable para hacer una breve
introducción de lo que íbamos a presenciar esa noche.
Tras subir al escenario aparecieron sus tres acompañantes, los músicos Francis Rimbert, Dominique Perrier y Claude Samara que se apostaron en sendas islas de sintetizadores, dejando el espacio central para Jarre y sus instrumentos.
Lo que vimos a partir de ahí fue pura magia, sonido analógico pululando por todo el Liceu, acompañado de imágenes y de luces que nos sumergió en otra dimensión en otro mundo. Jarre
improvisaba partes de las piezas e incluso las alargaba creando si cabe
una sensación de positividad y luz, sólo conseguible por genios como
él. Daba la sensación que la intimidad del teatro, hacía que el músico
francés se reencontrara consigo mismo como artista, y todo eso nos lo
devolvía con luminosidad y ritmo.
Cuando llegó el cénit del concierto, la
pieza “IV” del álbum Jean Michel Jarre miró al respetable, levantó el
brazo haciendo una señal dando paso a unas de las composiciones más
bellas de la historia.
Cerró la noche con un bis espectacular, tocó sólo acompañado de dos teclados “Oxygene 13”,
demostrándonos que en esas lides es insuperable. El bis a nivel
personal me supo a poco, creía que tocaría alguna pieza más, pero no fue
Noche para el recuerdo donde de la mano de Jean Michel Jarre,
entramos en una máquina del tiempo de donde nunca queríamos regresar.
Las sensaciones que me quedaron de esa noche son imborrables, ya le
podré decir a mis nietos, que yo estuve allí ese 21 de abril de 2008.
Source: nosgustalamusica.com
Review by Jean Michel Jarre for the XILS 4 & miniSyn'X
Jean Michel Jarre,
Jean Michel Jarre - Interviews,
News for Facebook - Jean Michel Jarre
April 5, 2015
April 2, 2015
Take a flyer...
March 30, 2015
Been having some fun with this!
HTML5 Drum Machine
This dead simple drum machine that runs in your browser is so much fun.
The HTML5 Drum Machine borrows its aesthetics from classic beat boxes
like the TR-808 Rhythm Composer. It's got five different sound banks:
Hip hop, electro, house, techno, and acoustic. Each bank has 13
different sounds for which you can tweak the individual volume and tone.
Pick your bank, hit play, and lay down your instruments on the 16-step
sequencer interface that runs across the bottom. After you've laid down
your beat, you can export it as a Wav.
When the first drum machines hit the market in the 1950s, they must have felt like the future.…
Even if you
don't have any experience with drum machines, this simplified beat
maker is intuitive enough that you'll impress yourself within just a few
minutes. You can probably figure it out on your own, but if you're a
total noob here's a tip: The important thing to remember is that for
each of the 16 "steps" in the sequence you can play each of the 13
sounds in a bank. So when you click on one sound—say the Kick— you can
place that sound in any or all of the 16 slots. When you click on the
next instrument, you again have the option of sticking it in all of the
16 slots.
machines and software instruments can both be really intimidating to the
uninitiated. The HTML5 Drum Machine can get get going. [HTML5 Drum Machine via Synthtopia]
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